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Tuesday, 14 March 2017

​South China Sea: The Great Game of Marine Diplomacy


For the last few years, the South China Sea Disputes has been a burning issue on newspapers’ columns, TV debates, geopolitical agendas of nations and among the foreign policy experts. It has become massively popular because of the involvement of China, the Tomorrow’s Superpower. People are now afraid whether the Rise of China will be a peaceful one or just another brutal power demonstration.

Let me, here, brief it that this is an issue of maritime disputes among some Southeast Asian nations including China, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan. Each country’s territorial claims over the South China Sea with which
they share coastlines overlap each other’s claims. Here, China looks like the most furious guy claiming almost the entire sea.

 Territorial claims in the South Sea

China is already building artificial islands on the sea to make its bait more stronger and bolder. It is even deploying military warships to guard a disputed territory.  

But this conflict of national interests has other angle also. Especially, US and Japan,both outsiders, are making waves in the muddy water of the sea. So, they are making noise in the international news. This sea is also known for its enormous unexplored “jewels” under the water. Even, India is also moving its own dance steps in the muddy water. 

From the US perspective, the South China Sea is the frontier battle to retain its sole superpower status in the world.

For India, this is a golden opportunity to increase its diplomatic weight against its competitor China with whom it has its own territorial dispute. By now, India is already exploring for oil in the South China Sea along with Vietnam. Also, India’s Modi government has recently made some Defence Agreements with these Southeast Asian nations keeping eyes on China. But, India simply calls it as a part of its Act East Policy.

Japan has its own bitter history with China. Japan is also a US ally. Now a days, the battle between Japan and China has become more dirty. In every International Summit, Japan raises this issue of disputes against China. And China never forgets to scold Japan in its own state runned media out like Global Times, Xinhua News etc. And Japan is also trying to integrate the involved Southeast Asian nations, because they cannot fight against the mighty China alone.
Recently, an International Arbitration Panel was formed to solve this dispute. Every country was agreed including China before the announcement of judgement. But as the result of declaration goes against China, China awkwardly rejects the entire judgement.

Again, a new twist is reported that Philippines has rebuked Washington government which obviously sounds as a good news to the ears of Beijing. But, whether Philippines will be able to stand up with its territorial claim in front of the mighty China without US backups?? No, it doesn’t look possible.

Another player, Russia is also trying to look like a supporter of China since US is the historic arch rival of Russia. But, Russia’s hands are also closed now and limited as it can’t take the risk of annoying other Southeastern countries as Russia is now quite isolated by Western powers and facing economic sanctions. Russia desperately needs China’s supports at various international platforms.

But, the final question rises what will be the consequence of this diplomatic warfare? Who will be the ultimate winner? Will China be able to annex another “jewel” to its His Excellency crown? What will happen to the voice of those small countries in future? Will US just remain with closed hands and watching all these humdrums?? If there is a conflict of forces, then, will it be the silly excuse of the next World War III? But, lets not to be such pessimistic, because no country can afford to make such a mistake which will unfold a nuclear war and that finally leads to the end of life on the planet.


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